Katia Walton

Business & kindness

"She understood what I need and executed what I want"

About Madloba

Madloba means “thank you” in the language of the Republic of Georgia. It started as a company that connects businesses that have budgets for good deeds with charities that need support.

Target audience

Business executives, HRs, public relation managers of middle to high range Georgian companies.

Associations / keywords

communication, gratitude, kindness, trust, stability.

Take a closer look

The logo

“It was inspirational”

Maria Shirshova

I’ve created 3 different versions for different use.

In use

Photo courtesy Elena Heatherwick.

What happened next

Company pivoted to selling gift boxes

Gift boxes are filled with local products are sold to the big companies, so they can present them to their workers and partners.

Madloba keeps its focus on supporting small local manufacturers.

“It’s been a pleasure working with Katia”

Maria Shirshova



Maria Shirshova

Maria said

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