Katia Walton

Designer's challenge: black and white design

"Magic to be heard and to be understood"

About Hold me tight training in Georgia

Tatiana and Anastasiia needed a workbook for a couple training. I was challenged to create a design that they could print on a black-and-printer at home. It needed to look “proper” enough to appeal to both, males and females.

2 day couple training Hold Me Tight is happening in Tbilisi, Georgia. It’s a short term alternative to a long-term couple therapy. The training is based on the Sue Johnson’s Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy (EFT) method and is designed to help couples grow their love and get closer.


I received plain text in google doc files.


“It was a fantastic experience

Bridge metaphor

We decided that the symbol of two people building relationship with each other would be a bridge. At the end of each page there are parts of the bridge that grow towards each other as people more from the beginning to the end of the training.

take a closer look

Page by page


The cover refers to the Russian cover of Sue Johnson’s Hold Me Tight book:

Hold me tight book

“It was a great experience, and I hope I will repeat it”

Anastasiia Zhukova




Anastasiia said

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