Consultant Brand Redesign
“I had an extremely outdated website… that wasn’t walking the talk…”

About Samantha Hartley
Samantha helps consultants multiply their revenues without burning out, working with perfect clients on transformational engagements.
- Find a new brand style for her and update all marketing assets with the new look.
- Create an infrusturcture that allows to maintain her podcast (video and blog version) on her own website.
- Design her new ebook and find a place for it on the site.
My contribution
- Design of the 9 page website
- Logo
- Ebook (lead magnet)
- Podcast graphics design
- Worksheets (9 pages)
- Social media covers
Handled by the client’s team: Web development.
“Not in integrity with me and with my brand”

“The website is so gorgeous. It’s just like stunning.
And all of the materials are also just really so beautiful”

- Samantha feels her website is an extension of her personality.
- New lead magnet is generating additional potential clients.
- Samantha’s new website is a new source of warm traffic—her podcast listeners.
Here's what we created together:
1. New brand style
“Katia helped me to explore the visual language that we were going to use and created something really extraordinary”
— Samantha Hartley

I’ve created Samantha’s brand style to incorporate across all the online platforms she uses.
It includes elements of her old visual style (so her clients would recognise her), but also new elements expressing her personality and work style. The brandbook explains how to use the graphic elements, so Samantha’s style looks consistent no matter who creates her visuals.
2. Logo

Based on Samantha’s handwriting
3. Home page

Other pages

“Katia asked amazing questions, she was very thorough. She figured out visually what’s the language of it, and how it needs to come across on the website.”
Samantha Hartley
4. E-book design
5. Worksheets

6. Social media design
Covers for Youtube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and podcast graphics.

7. Personal touches
Samantha’s work approach visualisation: for slides and worksheets

Ease of podcast navigation: all episodes are grouped in 7 collections, and a specific flower is assigned to each collection.

Unique image style: easy to maintain stamp-like retouch

Taking care in style: branded 404 page
